Luigi Annunziata
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Project: Petrophysical measurements and hydromechanical response of deformed porous media for underground hydrogen storage
Tutor: Prof. David Iacopini, Prof. Giacomo Russo
Co-tutor: Dr. Enza Vitale
Angelica Capozzoli
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Project: Integrated analysis of geological and geophysical data for the characterization of active faults in the Sannio-Matese area
Tutor: Prof. Valeria Paoletti
Co-tutors: Dr. Rosa Nappi
Francesca Coccia
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Project: Thermogeological characterization of the pyroclastic-alluvial aquifer systems of the Campania Plain for the study of low enthalpy geothermics
Tutor: Prof. Pantaleone De Vita
Co-Tutor: Prof. Vincenzo Allocca
Mariarca D'Aniello
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Project: Novel outside-the-box study on transitional environments for the conservation of geomorphic systems
Tutor: Prof. Carlo Donadio
Co-tutors: Prof. Massimo Brescia, Dr. Stefano Cavuoti (INAF-OACN)
Federica Gull
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Project: Petrology and volcanology of the Roccamonfina volcano
Tutor: Prof. Lorenzo Fedele
Co-tutors: Prof.ssa Paola Petrosino
Dawon Kim
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Project: High-resolution physical stratigraphy of the Cenozoic siliciclastic successions of the Southern Apennines: climatic and tectonic implications
Tutor: Prof. Kei Ogata
Co-tutor: Prof. Alessandro Iannace, Prof. Roberto Tinterri (Università di Parma)
Ciro Messina
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Project: Development of geophysical monitoring Machine Learning techniques for real-time prediction of parametric variations associated with CO2 storage activities in geological reservoirs
Tutor: Prof. Maurizio Fedi Co-Tutors: Dr. Maurizio Milano
Nunzia Monte
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Progetto: Ground Deformation Prediction: An AI Approach to InSAR Data
Tutor: Prof. Diego Di Martire, Prof. Luigi Lombardo
Co-tutors: Dr. Ivan Marchesini (CNR), Dr. Paola Reichenbach (CNR)
Muhammad Muslim
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Progetto: Clinical and Environmental implications of induced and controlled biomineralization processes
Tutor: Prof. Alessio Langella
Co-tutors: Dr. Francesco Izzo
Simone Palumbo
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Progetto: Development of a digital platform for monitoring infrastructure networks affected by ground instabilities
Tutor: Prof. Domenico Calcaterra, Dr. Massimo Comedini (ITALFERR)
Co-tutors: Prof. Diego Di Martire, Dr. Antonio Pignalosa (ITALFERR), Dr. Gianluca Benedetti (ITALFERR)
Lorenzo Ricciardi
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Progetto: High-resolution gravimetric modeling for the study of volcanic structures. Application to Pantelleria and Ischia areas
Tutor: Prof. Giovanni Florio
Co-tutors: Prof. Umberto Riccardi, Dr. Stefano Carlino, Dr. Tommaso Pivetta
Sara Saviano
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Progetto: Monitoring and hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical modelling of groundwater of the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic aquifer, Italy
Tutor: Prof. Vincenzo Allocca
Co-tutors: Dr. Stefano Caliro, Prof. Pantaleone De Vita
Michela Scanu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Progetto: Provenance and circulation of African Amphorae in the bay of Naples: an archaeometric study
Tutor: Prof. Alberto De Bonis
Co-tutors: Prof. Vincenzo Morra
Antonio Sepe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Progetto: Structural analysis of multi-ring basins and lobate scarps on Mercury
Tutor: Prof. Luigi Ferranti
Co-tutor: Dr. Valentina Galluzzi (INAF-IAPS)
Sakshi Yadav
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Progetto: An experimental study of the 4D evolution of relay zones on segmented faults
Tutor: Prof. David Iacopini
Co-tutors: Prof. Giacomo Russo, Dr. Enza Vitale, Dr. Giovanni Camanni